Seasoned journalist
I’ve spent years as a newspaper reporter and freelance writer, covering public meetings, political campaigns and court proceedings – routine governance, community triumphs and the occasional tragedy. I’ve learned how to listen and how to dig – how to cajole information from reluctant bureaucracies, make sense of tricky topics and write stories that hold leaders accountable for their decisions.
Problem solver
I came to media with an engineering degree, training that taught me to approach the world with a solutions mindset. I do work that helps people understand and address their problems — cutting through murky situations to provide the clarity that supports productive conversations.
Data designer
I augment my research and storytelling with computational tools, using code for data analysis, web development and graphic design. I comb through public databases, federal statistics and GIS datasets to explore complex issues like land use and public finance. And I translate those findings into professional quality visualizations, maps and web interactives – even when working on deadline.